Sunday, August 8, 2021

 the feast (part one)

the monster climbs on top of you
and you let it
place the pillow over your head

it’s a game
the monster coos

but in your mind you know
there is no game



at times
the only comfort
i had
was the shadow
in my bed

*Published in Issue no. 22 of Anti-Heroin Chic
 the feast (part two)

the monster
has a skin suit and tie

the monster
pays its bills on time

but the monster
only desires

your pre-
pubescent flesh



i told the shadow
come closer

what else could i
call home?

*Published in Issue no. 22 of Anti-Heroin Chic

Thursday, August 5, 2021


come closer
i heard while sitting in my room

i just wanted to see you
the moon shyly said

~ (0) ~

my body is not beautiful
i admitted
it is covered in scars and dents

so is mine! and yet you humans
she laughed
worship every inch of my skin

*Published by Sledgehammer Literary Journal on 8/4/21