Wednesday, May 26, 2021

 scent of rose
this fading
spring light

*Published in the May 2021 issue of Stardust Haiku

Sunday, May 23, 2021

 the first lamp
flickers into being

her fingers trace
the rose waiting
for a lover

(Tim Gardiner & Tiffany Shaw-Diaz)


despite the hour
the loneliness
of her belief

a church bell rings
within sunset haze

(Tim Gardiner & Tiffany Shaw-Diaz)

*These tan renga were inspired by The flower seller by Sir Alfred Munnings and published in issue 12.1 of Twelve Rivers (a journal of the Suffolk Poetry Society)

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

my descent
into nothingness

*Published in Door to Door: Doormat on The Haiku Foundation’s website
to be
in a
river of
to be

*Published by Cold Moon Journal on 5/19/21
**Nominated for The Haiku Foundation’s Touchstone Individual Poem Award by the editor
 nameless hunger
the night
shifts blue to black

*Published by horror senryu journal on 5/19/21

Sunday, May 16, 2021

of course
the mountain
wasn’t always

*Published by Cold Moon Journal on 5/15/21
**Selected for commentary in re:Virals 302 on The Haiku Foundation’s website
***Nominated for The Haiku Foundation’s Touchstone Individual Poem Award by the editor

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

 turn of the knob a new life

*Published in Door to Door: Doorknob on The Haiku Foundation’s website

Saturday, May 1, 2021

wild youth
i used to pull my
food from the earth


bowl of soup
when i just
need a hug


no regrets
i eat the whole
pint of ice cream

*Published in the May 2021 issue of brass bell: a haiku journal