Thursday, October 31, 2019

still a fairytale

once upon a time 
there was a young girl 
curly and tawny haired 
her home was filled with monsters 
that would scream and punch 
all through the night 
sometimes those monsters 
would even invade her in dreams 
their teeth would gnash as they’d chase her 
blindly through streets 
the young girl was always afraid 
so she began to knit 
her own dreams during the light 
in secret 
and away from prying eyes 
she was a princess 
an angel 
or a glitter-speckled fairy 
she realized she could be anything 
and those monsters
had no defense 
against the castle of her own design

*Published in From The Ashes: An International Anthology of Womxn's Poetry

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

weight of a word

age 22
the first time my therapist 
uses the forbidden term 
i remember how that noun 
sank into my body 
an anvil dropping down down
into the sea
nowhere to be found 
for day weeks months 
i couldn’t even say the word
without wanting to vomit 
i even told my husband 
i wanted to die just to be reborn 
as if that would clean 
up those dirty places 
i dared not even touch 
so i stopped saying the word 
called it the big bad 
big ugly 
my own personal Voldemort 
anything except the actual word 
to extricate myself from the reality 
that came barreling with it 
and that’s the problem 
you see 
how could i ever heal
from a word i refused to say?
i let that word place cuffs
upon my wrists 
shackles around my ankles 
and duct tape over my mouth 
the only way to break free 
i realized 
was to begin saying 
without shame or fear or filter 
that i survived 
the word no one ever wants to hear

*Published in From The Ashes: An International Anthology of Womxn's Poetry

Monday, October 28, 2019

bird of paradise
my untamed

*Published in the October 2019 issue of Stardust Haiku

Tuesday, October 22, 2019



as if you never left the pull of night


forgiveness rounding the mountain’s peak

*Published by Weird Laburnum on 10/21/19

Monday, October 21, 2019

deep space
finally I hear
the pulse of heaven


infinite horizon
how much
I have yet to learn


for a second
our worlds collide


gentle rain
my present
now sweet


in my vision
hundreds of stars


bright sky
the universe
needs you


heart of the cosmos
breathing in
all that will ever be


sunlit expanse
this must be where
healing begins


answered prayers
when planets

*Published in Incense Dreams 3.1

Friday, October 11, 2019

believe me

every poem
is a love song
for you

*Displayed in The Art of Recovery exhibition at Edison State Community College

Thursday, October 10, 2019


i don’t write
because i need comfort or love
or strength
i already have those in spades
from the one who crafted me
long before
mother even carried my torch
i write because
far too many people hang
their heads low
sink into their shame
simply because they still
believe someone else’s filth
dirties their bodies
and forever taints their souls

*Displayed in The Art of Recovery exhibition at Edison State Community College

Tuesday, October 8, 2019


i will do nothing more than float
float in the infinite ocean
of what could be
face up
arms open as wide as the universe
ready to feel
to embrace
the dark
the light
the sanctity
of all that is
and all that will be

*Displayed in The Art of Recovery exhibition at Edison State Community College

Monday, October 7, 2019


when i cannot feel
the pulse of love under my skin
i run my hands
over grass warmed
by the sun’s tender light
there i say
is the key
that touch
that connection
zip lines to my heart
and says open please open
you are safe

*Displayed in The Art of Recovery exhibition at Edison State Community College

Sunday, October 6, 2019

a simple truth

only after i forgave
could i smell the bloomed rose

*Displayed in The Art of Recovery exhibition at Edison State Community College

Saturday, October 5, 2019


i traded
his salt for honey
his venom for medicine
and that
my loves
is how i survived

*Displayed in The Art of Recovery exhibition at Edison State Community College

Friday, October 4, 2019

take my hand

at what point
will every last one of us
we hold more pain
in our bodies
our minds
our hearts
than we have the strength
to carry alone

*Displayed in The Art of Recovery exhibition at Edison State Community College

Thursday, October 3, 2019


you say
there are no dirty rooms in your soul
yet i
have been cleaning them each night

*Displayed in The Art of Recovery exhibition at Edison State Community College